Thursday, March 17, 2011

Now Is the Perfect Time!

...for a completely random bout of marveling over beautifully expressive Portuguese words! Hooray for emerging from Blogger darkness after half a year with a completely random and utterly irrelevant post, with deadline upon deadline mounting and severe pressure from individuals and forces that shall remain unnamed!


Estrondo! Estrambótico! Estrafalário! Estapafúrdio! Abstruso! If they all sound like insults, that's probably because they can be.

Well, most.

1 comment:

  1. Olá Calavero,

    I'd like to thank you for the correction you proposed on my blog. I shouldn't have been so absolute and I thank you for having noted it.
    É verdade que usamos mais "comumente" (talvez para respeitar a tal regra gramatical), mas "comummente" não está errado de todo, e trata-se de uma excepção à regra.

    I have added a not to my post, and I have mentioned you and your correction in it - I hope you won't mind.

    Thank you so much for your most valuable input :D.

